For your convenience, our most common customer questions are answered right here.
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Q: What is the criteria for a qualified building inspector?
A: INAC and CMHC policy state “A qualified inspector must have qualifications or certification to perform building code inspections from a recognized professional industry organization.”
Q: Who is a qualified inspector?
A: “A qualified inspector is an individual who is properly accredited and registered in British Columbia as a building inspector. The following organizations provide information on qualification standards:
• Building Officers Association of BC (BOABC)
Q: Where can I get a copy of the BOABC Certificate for Jim Munroe.
A: Click to print the BOABC certificate here or email to get a copy of his other certificates.
Q: Will INAC give the band a subsidy to have a Building Inspection completed?
Answer 1: For bands who are not in NAHS program the answer is YES – refer to page 15 of INAC’s Housing Policy “In addition to housing subsidies, INAC BC Region provides building inspection subsidies to assist with building inspection costs incurred during construction, purchase or renovation. Subsidy amounts vary throughout the province according to the geographic subsidy classifications outlined earlier (under the INAC subsidies section). New home inspection subsidies are calculated at a higher rate than renovation inspection subsidies. Housing Managers are encouraged to contact an INAC BC Region Housing Officer to confirm which building inspection subsidies they are eligible for.”
Answer 2: For Bands in NAHS program, your Band is not eligible for INAC inspection subsidies.